PPC Advertisement

PPC is an online advertising model in which advertisers can display ads for their goods or services when users – people searching for things online – enter relevant queries into search engines. Advertisers are only charged when a user actually clicks on their ad, hence the name “pay-per-click.” Due to the nature of keywords and the role they play in paid search, pay-per-click advertising can also be referred to as keyword advertising.

As its name implies, the Ad Auction is a bidding system. This means that advertisers must bid on the terms they want to “trigger,” or display, their ads. These terms are known as keywords.

Say, for example, that your Institute Conducts GP Rating Course. Candidate those who search for GP Rating course your institute ad is displayed. If you add  keywords relevant to GP rating course  then your ad will be displayed if a candidate search anything related to GP Rating Course.

For PPC Advertisement Packages, Contact us on info@imucet.com .

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